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Faculty Scholarship

Rules for Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics Scholarship

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics Scholarship (FCEMS) is specially established by Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics of Jiangsu University, aiming to promote the internationalization of higher education of our faculty, encourage and attract foreign students from all over the world to pursue his/her master’s or doctoral degrees at our faculty. Rules for the application of FCEMS are now listed as follows:

ⅠScholarship Categories and applicants
a) Foreign Doctoral Scholarship: set for excellent PhD students of our faculty;
b) Foreign Master's Scholarship: set for excellent MD students of our faculty.

Ⅱ Scholarship Allocation


Fund Periods


Funding Students

Per Year

PhD students

Four years


2-3candidates/ year

Master students

Three years


5-6candidates/ year

Ⅲ Qualification
a) The applicant should be non-Chinese citizens and in good health;
b) The applicant should have a positive attitude and perform well in the study;
c) The applicant should be officially registered students of Jiangsu University. Students who have suspended or quitted his/her study at Jiangsu University are not eligible for applications.
d) The applicant for the Master's Scholarship should fulfill the following requirements: (1) The applicant should have a bachelor’s degree; (2) if applies at the end of the 2nd semester, the applicant should obtain all the academic credits required by the training plan for the master’s graduate students, and the grades in all courses should be excellent ( scores above 80); (3) if applies at the end of the 4th semester, in addition to the item (2), the applicant should publish one paper in the journals which are recognized by his/her supervisor,  with he/she as the first or second authors (in this case, the supervisor should be the first author); or have already finished the tasks assigned by his/her supervisor with written confirmation signed by his/her supervisor.  (4) if applies at the end of the 6th semester, in addition to the item (2), the applicant should publish two papers in the  journals which are recognized by his/her supervisor, with he/she as the first or second authors (in this case, the supervisor should be the first author);  or have made some great contribution to his/her supervisor’s research with written confirmation signed by his/her supervisor.
e) The applicant for the doctoral scholarship should fulfill the following requirements: (1) The applicant should have a master’s degree; (2) if applies at the end of the 2nd semester, the applicant should obtain all the academic credits required by the training plan for the doctoral graduate students, and the grades of all courses should be excellent ( scores above80); (3) if applies at the end of the 4th semester, in addition to the item (2), the applicant should publish one paper in the journals which are recognized by his/her supervisor, with the applicant as the first or second authors (in this case, the supervisor should be the first author); or have already finished the tasks assigned by his/her supervisor with written confirmation signed by his/her supervisor. (4) if applies at the end of the 6th semester, in addition to the item (2), three papers should be published in the journals which are recognized by his/her supervisor, with the applicant as the first or second authors (in this case, the supervisor should be the first author); or have made some great contribution to his/her supervisor’s research with written confirmation signed by his/her supervisor.
f) He/she is ineligible for application for the scholarship if the following situations occur: violation of the provision of laws; punishment by the public security departments; violation of the rules and regulations of the university; anyone, who failed in various dormitory appraisals; anyone, whose misbehavior has produced bad social influence for the university.

Ⅳ Supporting Materials for Scholarship Application
a) Letter of acceptance of Jiangsu University;
b) Copies of highest diploma and transcripts;
c) Personal Statement (including personal information, study and research experience and plan, academic honors and specialties, representative papers, etc.);
d) Supporting materials for scientific research;
e) Foreigner’s Application Form for Faculty of Civil Engineering & Mechanics of Jiangsu University (refers to Attachment 1).

Ⅴ Application and Evaluation
a) Candidates who meet the requirements should submit the application materials within one month before the end of the 2nd, 4th, and 6th semesters to the administrative office of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics;
b) The scholarship evaluation committee consists of relevant leaders of the faculty and professors from relevant fields;
c) The final list will be submitted to OEC of Jiangsu University.

附件【Attachment 1 Foreign Student’s Application Form for the scholarship of Faculty of Civil Engineering & Mechanics of Jiangsu University.pdf

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