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  About us
About us
About us
About us

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics of Jiangsu University was established in 2011. The faculty consists of the department of civil engineering, department of mechanics & engineering science and department of construction management. It owns the mechanics postdoctoral research station which was founded in 2012. It was qualified as the first-level discipline to confer Ph.D. degree in mechanics and master degree in mechanics and civil engineering. It was also authorized to offer professional-oriented master program in construction and civil engineering. The faculty warmly welcomes overseas students (both undergraduates and postgraduates) to study in the above majors.

The faculty has 102 teaching and administrative staff members, among whom there are 15 Ph.D. supervisors, 60 professors and associate professors and 2 foreign teachers. Currently, there are 878 students studying in our faculty, which include about 310 graduate students and 61 overseas students. The faculty has paid more attention to cultivating internationalized talents and has built up long-term cooperation with more than 20 well-known foreign universities, including University of California, Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Liverpool, University of Portsmouth, University of Waterloo in Canada, University of Sydney and so on. It has established international students exchange programs with some of the abovementioned universities.

The faculty owns several important laboratories and institutes, which include one National Center for International Research on Structural Health Management of Critical Components, one Ministry-level Key Lab -- Mechanical Structure Damage Detection & Assessment Laboratory, a Research Center of Jiangsu Province for Mechanical and Engineering Structural Damage Diagnosis and Management of Engineering Technology, an Experimental Mechanics Demonstration Center of Jiangsu Province, an Experimental Civil Engineering Cultivate Demonstration Center of Jiangsu Province, a University-level Scientific Research Institution – Structural Health Monitoring Institute, a Testing Technology Institute of Civil Engineering, Institute of Mechanics Engineering and Institute of Civil Engineering.

In recent 5 years, the faculty has undertaken 45 National projects which include 2 national high-tech R&D program (863 Program), 1 national defense important pre-research project, 1 international(regional)cooperation and exchanges project, 1 national key project, and other projects supported by NSFC. It also has undertaken more than 40 projects funded by the ministry and province and over 600 research projects come from society each year. The faculty has obtained many important research achievements among which 4 were provincial or ministry-level advanced science and technology awards, 28 invention patents were issued. Meanwhile, the faculty had published more than 400 papers on the famous domestic and international journals, over 280 papers are indexed in SCI, EI and ISTP. For a long time, the scientific research achievements of our faculty have produced a considerable impact on the progress of national science and technology and the local economic development.

About us
About us
Faculty & Staff
Part-time Professors
Faculty & Staff
Talent Recruitment
Undergraduate Education
Graduate Education
Overseas Education
Post-doctoral Station
Scientific Research Platform
Experiement Center
Academic Exchanges
Student Exchanges
International Office of JU
Student Life
Maps & Transportation
Teaching Affairs
Postgraduate Education
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