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MS Supervisors
Yulong Zheng
NameYulong ZhengDate of Birth05,1988

Title ProfessorDegreePh.D.
Position DisciplineCivil Engineering

Education and

Doctor of Engineering, 2013.04 to 2016.03, Kyushu Institute of Technology (Japan), Civil and Architectural Engineering;
Master of Engineering, 2011.10 to 2013.03, Kyushu Institute of Technology (Japan), Civil and Architectural Engineering;
Bachelor of Engineering, 2007.09 to 2011.07, Henan University of Science and Technology, Civil Engineering;
International Exchange Student, 2010.04 to 2011.03, Kyushu Institute of Technology (Japan), Civil and Architectural Engineering.
Professional Experience

Qualified Professor, 2019.09 to present, Jiangsu University, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics;
Chief of Design Department II of the head office, etc. 2016.04 to 2019.08, Obayashi Corporation.

Social Academic
Post and Honor

Member of Japan Society of Civil Engineers; Japan Concrete Institute: Concrete Technician Qualification Certificate; Reviewer of “ACI Structural Journal” and “ACI Materials Journal”.

Main Courses

Undergraduate courses (International student):
Steel Structural Design;
Steel Structural Course Design.

Research Field

Concrete structure deterioration analysis; large-scale Finite Element Analysis of civil structure combined with geotechnical model; seismic design of nuclear power plant tunnel structure; design and research of marine power generation structure; Construction Information Modeling / Management.


Main Papers
and Patents

Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
[1]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K., Yasuo, F. and Kusano, M, “Estimation of Effective Prestress based on Stress-releasing Method and FEM Analysis of the Method”, Journal of Structural Engineering. A, Jpan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 58A, pp. 599-610, Mar. 2012
[2]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K., Shimizu, H. and Fu, L., “Damage to Structures in Rikuzentakata Region due to Tsunami”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 811-816, Jun. 2012
[3]Fu, L., Kosa, K., Shimizu, H. and Zheng, Y., “Damage to Structures due To Tsunami and Evaluation of Tsunami Velocity in Shizugawa”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 805-810, Jun. 2012
[4]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Sasaki, T., “Damage Analysis of Bridges Due to Tsunami”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Developments in Prestressed Concrete, Japan Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 21, pp. 35-40, Oct. 2012
[5]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Sasaki, T., “Tsunami damage analysis for bridges in Shizugawa area”, Journal of Structural Engineering. A, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 59A, pp. 439-449, Mar. 2013
[6]Sasaki, T., Kosa, K. and Zheng, Y., “Damage analysis of bridge based on the ratio of resistance force of the girder and acting force of the tsunami”, Journal of Structural Engineering. A, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 59A, pp. 417-427, Mar. 2013
[7]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Sasaki, T., “Evaluation of Bridge Outflows due to Great Tsunami”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 841-846, Jun. 2013
[8]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Wang, J., “Evaluation for Deformation of Stirrups in ASR-simulation Specimens”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 1126-1131, Jun. 2014
[9]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Uehara, N., “Evaluation for ASR-induced Degradation through FEM Simulations”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Developments in Prestressed Concrete, Japan Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 23rd, pp. 229-234, Oct. 2014
[10]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Wang, J., “Experimental Simulations of Structures suffering ASR-induced Damage”, Journal of Structural Engineering. A, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 61A, pp. 683-693, Mar. 2015
[11]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Uehara, N., “Experimental and Analytical Evaluations of ASR-induced Damage”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 589-594, Jun. 2015
[12]Uezono, Y., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Zheng, Y., “Evaluation for Variation of Prestress in PC beam suffering ASR”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 595-600, Jun. 2015
[13]Uezono, Y., Kosa, K., Zheng, Y. and Uehara, N., “Evaluation for ASR-induced Degradation in PC beam based on FEM Analysis”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Developments in Prestressed Concrete, Japan Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 24th, pp. 267-272, Oct. 2015
[14]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Uehara, N., “Analytical Evaluation of Movement Behavior for Specimens Simulating ASR”, Journal of Structural Engineering. A, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 62A, pp. 814-826, Mar. 2016
[15]Uezono, Y., Kosa, K., Zheng, Y. and Yano, Y., “Analytical Evaluation of Deformation Behavior for PC Structures Deteriorated by ASR”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 38, No.1, pp. 699-704, Jun. 2016
[16]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Uehara, N., “Evaluation of Stirrup Ruptures Through Experimental and Analytical Simulations of ASR Expansion”, Journal of JSCE, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 5 Issue 1, pp. 402-421, 2017


Address: 301, Xuefu Road, Jingkou District, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China.

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