在《Physical Review E》、《Chaos》、《Chaos, Solitons & Fractals》、《Nonlinear Dynamics》、《International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics》、《Acta Mechanica》、《International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos》和《SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences》等国内外重要的期刊杂志,发表SCI论文80余篇。
【代表性论文】 [15] Xiujing Han,Qinsheng Bi. Effects of amplitude modulation on mixed-mode oscillations in the forced van der Pol equation. Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (2023) 12921-12930. [14] Xiujing Han, Qinsheng Bi. Sliding fast-slow dynamics in the slowly forced Duffing system with frequency switching. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 169 (2023) 113270. [13] Xiujing Han, Jin Song, Yong Zou, Qinsheng Bi. Small perturbation of excitation frequency leads to complex fast-slow dynamics. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 163 (2022) 112516. [12] Xiujing Han,Yang Liu, Qinsheng Bi, Jürgen Kurths. Frequency-truncation fast-slow analysis for parametrically and externally excited systems with two slow incommensurate excitation frequencies. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019 (72) 16-25. [11] Xiujing Han, Qinsheng Bi, Jürgen Kurths. Route to bursting via pulse-shaped explosion. Physical Review E (Rapid Communication), 2018 (98) 010201(R). [10] Xiujing Han, Yi Zhang, Qinsheng Bi, Jürgen Kurths.Two novel bursting patterns in the Duffing system with multiple-frequency slow parametric excitations. Chaos, 2018 (28) 043111. [9] Xiujing Han, Mengke Wei, Qinsheng Bi, Jürgen Kurths. Obtaining amplitude-modulated bursting by multiple-frequency slow parametric modulation. Physical Review E, 2018 (97) 012202. [8] Xiujing Han, Chun Zhang, Yue Yu, Qinsheng Bi. Boundary-crisis-induced complex bursting patterns in a forced cubic map. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2017 (27) 1750051. [7] Xiujing Han, Fubing Xia, Chun Zhang, Yue Yu. Origin of mixed-mode oscillations through speed escape of attractors in a Rayleigh equation with multiple-frequency excitations. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017 (88) 2693-2703. [6] Xiujing Han, Yue Yu, Chun Zhang, Fubing Xia, Qinsheng Bi. Turnover of hysteresis determines novel bursting in Duffing system with multiple-frequency external forcings. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2017 (89) 69-74. [5] Xiujing Han, Zhenyang Chen, Qinsheng Bi. Inverse period-doubling bifurcations determine complex structure of bursting in a one-dimensional non-autonomous map. Chaos, 2016 (26) 023117 [4] Xiujing Han, Qinsheng Bi, Peng Ji, Jürgen Kurths. Fast-slow analysis for parametrically and externally excited systems with two slow rationally-related excitation frequencies. Physical Review E, 2015 (92) 012911. [3] Xiujing Han, Qinsheng Bi, Chun Zhang, Yue Yu. Delayed bifurcations to repetitive spiking and classification of delay-induced bursting, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2014 (24) 1450098. [2] Xiujing Han, Qinsheng Bi. Complex bursting patterns in van der Pol system with two slowly changing external forcings. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2012 (55) 702-708. [1] Xiujing Han, Qinsheng Bi. Bursting oscillations in Duffing's equation with slowly changing external forcing. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2011 (16) 4146-4152. |