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2021 National Natural Science Foundation Application Lecture (1)
  Date:2021-11-03 View:

In order to promote the active participation of the teachers of the Institute in the application of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.The Institute held a mobilization meeting and special counseling lectures on the "Application of the National Natural Science Foundation" in the 414 conference room on the afternoon of November 3.


Dean Zhu Jianguo emphasized the importance of the National Natural Science Foundation to the personal growth of teachers and the development of school construction. He put forward several specific requirements: First, applicants should have a comprehensive understanding of the application policies and precautions of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grasp scientific research trends in time, and start writing applications as soon as possible; second, scientific research teachers should always maintain a modest scientific attitude,and seriously summarize and check the evaluation opinions; third, young teachers must pay attention to writing practice, strive to improve writing ability ,and lay a solid foundation.


The conference invited Professor Luo Ying from our institute to give a report on "National Natural Science Foundation Project Application". Professor Luo Ying made the systematic report from four aspects: the spirit of national science and technology innovation, the deepening reform of the science fund, the problems in the application and review of the fund ,and the cases of the science fund project. Professor Luo introduced in detail that the application of the National Natural Science Foundation must first have a deep understanding about the relevant content of the scientific fund reform of the spirit of the CPC Central Committee on scientific and technological innovation. From the perspective of fund evaluation experts, Professor Luo explained the problems that should be avoided in the process of writing the fund application by way of case studies , so as to enhance the level of the writer of the declaration.


Through this special tutorial lecture, the participating teachers said that the lecture content was wonderful and practical, and benefited a lot.This deepened their understanding of the policies of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and provided useful enlightenment for everyone to effectively carry out innovative scientific research.

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