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Prof. Luo Ying and others attended the symposium on "Teaching experiment of serving Mechanics for Major Scientific Instruments of Experimental Mechanics".
  Date:2019-04-04 View:

    On March 29, 2019, Professor Luo Ying, Professor Zhu Jianguo and Associate Professor Hao Wenfeng of the Research Institute of Structural Health Management attended the special seminar on "Teaching experiment of serving Mechanics of Major Scientific Instruments of Experimental Mechanics" held in Nanchang. This meeting is co-sponsored by Jiangxi Mechanics Society and the Experimental Mechanics Professional Committee of China Mechanics Society, hosted by Nanchang University and co-sponsored by Beijing University of Technology. The theme of the meeting is: how to extend the function and function of important scientific instruments of experimental mechanics to mechanics teaching experiments. Experts from all over the country in experimental mechanics and related fields attended the symposium.

    Firstly, Experts responsible for the development of national major instruments and equipment in the mechanics discipline of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Professor Zhang Taihua of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Professor Qiu Wei of Tianjin University, and Professor he Cunfu of Beijing University of Technology) were invited to make an overall report on the project implementation plan, introducing in detail the research content, annual plan, overall planning and decomposition of the project, and using examples and data to illustrate the progress of the research and development of the project.

    This seminar brought together professors from many universities across the country to discuss the development of mechanics teaching experiments under the background of new engineering, and put forward suggestions from the future planning and layout of engineering disciplines, the cultivation of students' practical ability and practical teaching. it plays an important role in promoting the development of mechanics teaching experiments served by important scientific instruments of experimental mechanics in our country.

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