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Professor Luo Ying's team successfully passed the mid-term assessment of the key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
  Date:2019-01-02 View:

     The mid-term progress report on key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, organized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, was held in Beijing on December 20, 2018. On behalf of the research group, Professor Luo Ying of the School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics of Jiangsu University has made a report on the work of key international cooperation projects in the past three years. The title of the report is "non-contact, fast and accurate imaging theory and system for large-scale structural damage detection". The judges agreed that the project is progressing smoothly and achieved the expected results.

     The "Seminar on the Application of large-scale structural Health Monitoring" held by Shenzhen University was successfully held in Shenzhen on December 28. More than 70 members, including the National Committee of Experimental Mechanics, attended the meeting. Professor Luo Ying made a report at the special invitation of the National Committee of Experimental Mechanics. the title of the report is "Array Sensing Ultrasonic guided Wave damage Detection method". The systematicness and depth of the report aroused great interest from colleagues in experimental mechanics. and fully affirmed.

    Prof. Luo Ying is currently the director of the Joint Center for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology (International Joint Research Center for Health Management of key structures of High-end equipment). In 2016, he successfully declared the key projects of international cooperation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and all the research work is being carried out in an orderly manner. The recent "national examination" and "civil examination" fully demonstrated the scientific research level and social influence of Professor Luo Ying's team.

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